Roofing in York PA

Your Roof Covers It All

A roof is one of the most important features of your York, Pennsylvania home. After all, any damage suffered by the roof is likely to cause damage to the entire house.

The harm to your roof does not have to be extensive to cause problems. A leak can cause rain to seep through to the walls of the house, leading to mold and mildew. It can even seep down to the foundation where more serious damage can occur.

If you suspect such damage is occurring to your roof in York, Pennsylvania, call us to repair it before further issues occur. We will restore your roof to its original condition and replace your shingles where necessary.

Maintaining your roof

Did you know that a properly constructed roof can save you about 20% on your energy bill?

R & W Building and Remodeling can perform regular maintenance on your roof so it remains in good shape and will be able to withstand the ravages of the weather in York, Pennsylvania.

We repair and install siding and gutters, too.

Call us at 717-465-7607 today.